Sunday, January 31, 2010

my first blog!

I'm two weeks into my fitness training and met my weight loss goal of 8 lbs. I feel better physically and find that I have a great deal more energy. The workouts are VERY tough; so hard that I find myself hesitating/delaying my departure from home because I know what is about to happen...especially on cardio days; I HATE those days! John and Steve are GREAT instructors and know just how far to push me. They know my limits and bring me too them with each and every workout. I come away from training exhausted but feeling great.

The workouts are getting easier as I become more experienced and comfortable with the routines. I've made good progress with an increase in weights and repetitions. So although difficult, it is getting somewhat easier with time.

The involvement by Elements is soooooooo great. After four days of workouts and your are in pain over every inch of your body, there is nothing better in the world that the treatment that one receives at Elements. I'm a new man after a message. I've had two thus far and am already looking forward to my next one on Friday. They are essential to the Makeover and we are lucky to have them involved!

M-F I find the diet to be easy (and enjoyable). Weekends on the otherhand are much more difficult. I'm not as busy and find myself in the kitchen and wanting to eat. Today has not been the greatest of days and I know that it will requier more work during the upcoming week to make up for bad habbits that have existed for so many years. As I move forward I am going to have to plan better on my weekend and be more dedicated to my nutrition and diet. I can't use the weekends as an excuse! These changes are for a lifetime and not just M-F. I HAVE TO BE more disceplined and more committed to change on the weekends, especially when I'm bored with nothing to do.


  1. Kevin--Some of your nutrition problems on the weekends will naturally correct themselves because you will start to become a lot more active.You are working extrememly hard in the training room and the wellness that you feel will take on a value that weighs more than something calory loaded and nutrient deficient. Keep up the good work and the hardest test to come is just over the next hill ( your BIRTHDAY ) keep strong

  2. I hate cardio days too!!! But thats because my cardio is so weak. I think as we get more fit those days will become easier (I hope!). You are doing such a great job! I am so happy we are in this together!
